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Nochmal Thailand (Hundefleisch, Elefanten)


Noch einmal Thailand (Hundefleisch und Elefanten)

Videos und Petitonen (Hundefleischmarkt, Elefanten) Weitergeleitet: Liebe Tierfreund/innen,
bitte klicken Sie die nachfolgenden URLs auf Youtube bis 5. April (morgen!) und helfen Sie so den Tieren in Thailand, das nicht nur die schönen Seiten hat, die wir als Touristen so lieben …
Sechs Klicks können bereits ein Anfang sein ... Danke! "The Animal Activist Alliance or AAA is inviting all those who love, help or protect animals to join us on Thursday the 5th of April for a short protest to push for the acceptance of animal welfare laws and animal protection laws in Thailand. The main objectives for the protest are;
1. To show the concern of the Thai people for the lives of animals and their well-being in Thailand, while handing over a petition with 10,000 signatures for a law proposal to parliament.
2. To inform and educate the Thai public on animal welfare issues and to ask for more public support.
3. To present evidence of animal torture that has been kept secret until this day.
4. To show the international media and public that Thai citizens do care about animal wellbeing and animal rights. The most important thing is to at least CLICK on the videos -- the aim is to get a massive number of CLICKS from around the world (Youtube keeps track of the number of times a video is opened by being clicked on) and shock the Thai media into putting this out on the major Thai media networks and create as much of impact as possible for the demonstration planned for this Thursday, 5 April 2012... After you have CLICKED you can close it again without having to watch the entire episode. Please forward this to as many people around the world as possible in order to protect domesticated dogs and wildlife in Thailand and prevent future suffering!" Elephant problems in Thailand ENGLISH VERSION:

Dog meat trade ENGLISH version (short version)

Petitionen dazu (Erinnerung):

Animal Spirit - Zentrum für Tiere in Not
Klamm 112, A-3053 Laaben
Tel: +43 (0) 2774/29 330
Spendenkonto: PSK 75.694.953, BLZ 60000
Online spenden:
